Tag Archive for: beginners

change WordPress password

How to Change Your WordPress Password

Changing your WordPress password is an essential part of maintaining the security of your website or blog. Watch the video to learn how to change your password via the Dashboard.

Adding an Image from a URL

Adding an image from a URL is a great way to enhance the appearance of your WordPress blog or website with free images from the web.

How to Install WordPress onto a Bluehost Account

Learn how to install WordPress through your Bluehost Hosting Account. Our guide gives you step-by step instructions on how to complete it within minutes.

How to Create a New Database and Database User in cPanel

Follow our tutorial for step-by-step guidelines on how to create a new database and database user. You can do this through your Control Panel (cPanel) in WordPress and use the MySQL Database Wizard tool.

What Is a WordPress Update?

FixRunner.com explains what a WordPress update is and how you can prepare for it. Read our tutorial to learn everything you need to know about updating your WordPress system.

Why Is It Important to Keep Your WordPress Updated?

If you are using WordPress as your content management system, you need to keep on top of updates.