Entries by Sam Mulaim

How to Duplicate Pages and Posts in WordPress

There are many reasons why you might have to use plugins to duplicate pages and posts in WordPress. For instance, when redesigning your website, you want to maintain consistency in your design layout. An easy way to achieve that is by duplicating your pages rather than building them up from scratch. Another typical example is […]

2 Easy Ways To Add Nofollow Links in WordPress

So, you got this far making your site great. We showed you some of the basic and advanced stuff. We also presented you with solutions on how to fix certain errors. Today, we will change the topic a little, and talk about a technique that can help you with your page ranking. Have you heard […]

How To Perform Regular WordPress Backup

Setting up your site to run regular WordPress Backups will take you a few minutes of work, but it can save you a ton of trouble. Sadly, many WordPress users learned this the hard way. As a result, when their site goes down, what seemed like a temporary glitch, turns out to be an all-out […]

WordPress Push Notifications: How to Set Them Up

WordPress push notifications have risen in popularity over the years, and chances are you have come across them severally. Most modern websites have them. Have you ever seen a popup box, asking your permission to send notifications? Those are web push notifications or WordPress push notifications as we will refer to them in this article. […]

HTML to WordPress – How to Convert a HTML Site to WordPress

Are you considering converting your rather static HTML site to a more dynamic WordPress site? Certainly, that is good thinking! WordPress currently powers 35% of all websites on the internet and has surely grown to be the most popular among other website builders. Converting HTML to WordPress may seem like a very daunting task. However, […]

What are WordPress Image Sizes and How to Change Them?

WordPress image sizes are a major factor in the performance of any site. Marketing professional Jeff Bullas found out that web pages with images get about 94% more total views. But despite the benefits of images, using the wrong image size can affect the look and feel of your website. Large images can affect your […]