Entries by Mesheal Fegor

WooCommerce Variable Product – How to Set Variables Like Size & Color

Every consumer loves to have multiple options to choose from. As an online store owner, you are probably wondering how to create these options for your customers. WooCommerce, a WordPress e-Commerce plugin, makes this possible using the WooCommerce variable product feature. The plugin has a feature that lets you add variations to your product. For […]

WordPress Page ID and Where to Find It

In WordPress, everything has an identification (ID) number. This includes your pages, posts, media, comments, categories and tags. You may have had instances where you needed to find a WordPress page or post ID – maybe while working with codes or while configuring a plugin. So, here is the big question:  how do you find […]

WordPress YouTube Plugin – List of Best WP Plugins

Why do you need a WordPress YouTube plugin? With how fast the internet is growing there is no shortage of websites and blogs. So, if you want to step up your game and grow your website, video is the way to go. Maybe you have a popular YouTube channel and you don’t have a website, […]

How To Set Up and Rewrite Custom Permalinks in WordPress

Permalinks are the URLs of pages and individual posts published on your WordPress websites. Name Permalink is short for “Permanent Link” – meaning these links can always be used to access your pieces of content. We’ll take you through the process oc creating a custom WordPress permalink. WordPress permalink by default has the URL structure […]

How To Setup PayPal on Woocommerce – Complete Guide

  WooCommerce PayPal checkout makes it easy for you, as a business owner, to receive payments from your customers, regardless of their location. If you run an eCommerce store, you need a means of accepting money from customers. While there are many options you could choose from, Paypal is often one of the top choices. […]

How to Fix 502 Bad Gateway WordPress Error

502 Bad Gateway WordPress error is one of those errors you are likely going to see if you use WordPress long enough. It’s a proxy error that happens quite frequently, and chances are you have experienced it on several occasions. 502 Bad Gateway issue is a server error. That is to say, the error originates […]